Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre |
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Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre is privately managed and operated by The GEO Group Australia under contract to Queensland Corrective Services.
The facility is Queensland’s primary remand centre with a single bed capacity for 890 prisoners.
The centre is a complex operation due to the diversity of the prisoner population who require varying degrees of protection, separation and special management.
High Security
The centre provides high security accommodation for remand and sentenced prisoners in both mainstream and protection units with an additional maximum security unit.
Sentence Management
The Sentence Management Unit ensures compliance with the directions contained in warrants issued by all courts and assesses prisoners classification and placement.
Health Care
Health care consistent with community standards is provided. The health centre is staffed by medical and nursing staff and has inpatient accommodation for 19 patients. External services provided include prison mental health services, dentistry, optometry and x-ray.
Food Services
Food services offers a variety of balanced, nutritional meals delivered against a cyclic menu approved by a qualified dietician. Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre’s food service team has been acknowledged for its efficiency and quality control, achieving Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points accreditation (HACCP) since 2002 and also meeting ISO 9002 requirements during that period.
About 2600 meals are prepared each day at Arthur Gorrie with special meals prepared for those people with special dietary requirements.
Centre Information and Activities Committee
Management maintains a highly successful liaison with inmates through weekly meetings of the Centre Information and Activities Committee. Educational activities and selected hobby projects also provide opportunities to maintain a positive environment.
The centre offers prisoners participation in therapeutic and self development programs aimed at addressing offending behaviour. The centre also offers vocational training, literacy and numeracy, cultural programs and an extensive recreational and well-being regime.
Industries at the centre consist of woodworking, metalworking, printing and environmental projects such as seed propagation, worm farming and recycling. These allow prisoners to develop useful trade skills to assist with their successful reintegration into the community.
• Accredited staff training facility for recruiting and training all staff for centre needs
• Quality Assurance certified ISO 9001:
• International Certification of Environmental Management Systems (ISO 14001)
• HACCP – Food Safety
• Occupational Health and Safety certified (AS 4801)